Through the work of Toyota veterans and scholars like

John Shook, Jeffrey Liker, Art Smalley, and David Meier,

it has become abundantly clear that, at Toyota, before

there were value stream maps, poka yoke, or Just-in-Time, there was TWI. These TWI foundations helped form the

core elements of what we know today as the Toyota

Production System (TPS), but most importantly, what we

need to remember is that at Toyota these fundamental

skills didn’t go away as they progressed to more sophis-

ticated techniques. In fact, these fundamental skills are

what make the higher-level tools work, just like you need

addition and subtraction to do more advanced mathe-

matics, and just like you need to first learn to block and

tackle to win the football game, no matter how talented

your quarterback may be. As we discussed in the last

chapter, practicing basic skills is what the best practitio-

ners in any field of endeavor do to stay on top.