Launched in 1998 at the Busan International Film Festival, the Asian Project Market (APM) was originally designed to connect talented Asian directors with new projects to global film investors, producers and distributors. As part of the Chinese film industry's drive to raise the professionalism of, pitch and promote mainland Chinese projects, Beijing Film Market offer two professional platforms: the Film Project Market, and the Film Factor Market. The Film Factor Market runs concurrently, offering workshops and panels on script development, principal photography, post-production, distribution, copyright transaction, derivative and licensing. CPH:FORUM is the financing and co-production event of CPH:DOX, the Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival, which, with a selection of more than 200 films from around the world, is the largest documentary film festival in Scandinavia. Focusing on first- and second-time directors, the TorinoFilmLab is a global co-production market for early-stage independent feature films, adaptations and cross-platform projects from all over the world.