This chapter describes several microphone techniques to select and place mics for musical instruments and vocals. A common mic for the guitar amp is a cardioid dynamic type with a "presence peak" in its frequency response. The popular type of mic for the snare is a cardioid dynamic with a presence peak. The cardioid pattern reduces leakage; its proximity effect boosts the bass for a fatter sound. A popular mic for a kick drum is a large-diameter, cardioid dynamic type with an extended low-frequency response. Popular room mics are boundary mics taped to the control-room window or studio walls. A good mic for metal percussion is a condenser type because it has sharp transient response. For acoustic guitar, a popular mic is a pencil-type condenser with a smooth, extended frequency response from 80 Hz up. Pop music demands close miking. Close mics pick up less room acoustics and leakage, and give a clear sound that cuts through the mix.