This chapter draws on the characteristics of identity categories and the tools of discourse analysis in the analysis of revenge porn perpetrators' electronic text accompanying the posting of explicit images of their ex-partners. There are several discursive traditions that focus on language, which include conversation analysis, critical discourse analysis, discursive psychology, ethnography of communication, Foucauldian research, membership categorisation analysis to name only a few. Similarly to discourse analysis, Membership Categorisation Analysis also has an ethnomethodological underpinning as its focus is on how meaning is co-created during people's interactions with each other. The general aim of the data collection process was to identify, for microtextual discourse analysis, the different ways in which gender and sexuality were invoked by the poster in their accounting for publicly displaying sexually explicit images, movies and text of their ex-partner in revenge seeking. Collecting data from the Internet typically presents ethical challenges around what is deemed a 'public' or 'private' space.