This chapter describes the first phase in motivating people to take an interest in western and other theistic religion. It explains what is meant by the term 'the Sense of God'; discusses how it may be nourished; and suggests how to recognise when the Communicatee has sufficient intensity in his or her Sense of God for motivation to be possible for religious Learning and Exploration. What is required then in the Communicatee, at the outset, is at least a minimal belief that God exists. God is not a non-personal force or field but a bodiless agent, creator of the world, who can change things, the living God of the Bible, not just an absentee landlord kind of 'ordinary god'. The Communicator must not drop his or her efforts but has to check whether the underlying Sense of God in the Communicatee(s) is deep enough and sincere enough to enable the fire of interest to go on burning.