The impacts of the global Covid-19 pandemic are still being understood, but it does seem clear that this crisis will make a mark on cities, towns and communities, physically and socially, that will echo for generations. Tackling Coronavirus in both the short- and long term is a humanitarian challenge that will have lasting effects on how people live, work and play. The big question for both the planning and property professions since the outset of the pandemic has been how urban communities will change and what role they will take in implementing those changes.

So, what will urban planning look like after Coronavirus? Prior to the pandemic, we faced health, climate and housing crises, and post-Covid our need to tackle them will be even more pressing. But there are certain urban planning issues which will be accentuated and accelerated. This chapter discusses those challenges and offers a variety of pathways that may be followed, deploying the application of Strategic Foresight in the thinking offered.