Strategic planning is a process that evolves around the core ideas of creating a vision, setting objectives, defining the resources you need to deliver such a vision, and finally prioritizing your goals sequentially to deliv20er your vision in due time. Simply put: don’t start mixing without knowing already how you want your game to sound, and how you will achieve that on time and within budget. Having a mixing vision, goals, and references will help tremendously. Mixing should not be an afterthought, and should ultimately be treated like any other audio discipline. Mixing is similar to sound design, music design, audio tech, or voice design. You need to plan thoroughly, and set aside the necessary time and resources, to avoid having to work under unnecessary pressure. This chapter provides information to plan your mix efficiently, and to avoid losing perspective when mixing your game over a long period. Understanding the need for your mix to have a strategic plan is your first step in setting up a strategic plan.