This brings us, inevitably, to capitalism itself, and the need to question our whole geopolitical system. To demand a fundamental rethink. What is the purpose of the human project? Why has modernity hitched its cart to the insane notion of perpetual growth? How did we ever allow the corporations to become so powerful and their marketing so insidious? What are the alternative models which don’t depend on us being hyperconsumers rather than human beings? To answer these questions we have to look outside our system, to cultures that have not been brought to their knees by corporate marketing. This inevitably brings us to indigenous peoples, who, as Arundhati Roy points out, “still know the secrets of sustainable living”, and far from being “the relics of the past” can be “the guides to our future”. 1

With their help we can and will build a world where we live in harmony with the natural world.