After in-depth consideration of all that was described in the previous chapters, after your careful yet not always comfortable study of the family@business phases, the tools, the indicators, the exercises to help you stretch your comfort zone, the possible scenarios for the future, after all that preparation, now the time has come to decide. Do I step in or not?

Since your decision to join the family@business is a major decision with long-term consequences, being safe is better than being sorry.

Before you commit, it can be useful to create a safe environment in the form of a probation period. Communicate openly with all parties involved (family, employees, stakeholders) so that an eventual “thank you but no, thank you” does minimal harm.

When you feel confident to go for it, then and only then say “yes” to full commitment. Use the seven guidelines that will help you unleash your passion and energy and immerse yourself fully in the family business.

Yet, go slow. Nobody can run a marathon at sprint speed and your work as Next Gen will last you a generation.