<target id="page_259" target-type="page">259</target>Learning Objectives

The reader will:

Understand the processes for research and documentation.

Become familiar with research procedures that will enable an understanding of the diverse characteristics of a historic place.

Distinguish between history and chronology, and among different genres of history.

Become familiar with documentation standards and recording techniques that are applied to access and manage heritage information.

Learn methods of creating records (i.e., recording) of historic places.

Learn techniques for documenting tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

Become familiar with the methods of managing the data that have been collected by research and documentation.

Understand the importance of engaging the community in programs of research and documentation.

Appreciate the importance of stories and associations to the research process.

Understand the sensitivities of some cultural groups towards having their stories ‘appropriated’ by others.

Begin to learn how interpretation enhances public understanding and engagement (continued in Chapter 9).