Extreme behaviors in teens are explored in Chapter 9. These distortions, which include substance abuse and violence, are rooted in the adolescent developmental tasks of individuation and community. The impact of the modeling of the adult world and not just peer pressure is elucidated. Self-destructive and other hostile behaviors like sexual assault are placed in the framework of dysregulated emotions. Empathy is presented as a life skill that must be explicitly fostered by counselors and educators. Specific approaches, such as Be Kind Week and Empathy Day, are suggested to embed empathy into the developing teen identity. Aberrations of anger destroy empathy with hatred and hostility. To counter such hostility, empathy is prized as a school-wide community value. Communication approaches are given to teach teens to own their anger and release it in full understanding of the role of forgiveness. Four activities are given including the third part of the Anger Management Plan. The activity sheet is An Anger Management Matrix.