In Chapter 3 the introduction of entropy as a state function was facilitated by the realization that there exist possible and impossible processes, and by an examination of the heat and work effects occurring during these processes. From the formal statement of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, as developed from Classical Thermodynamics arguments, it is difficult to assign a physical significance or a physical quality to entropy. In this respect entropy differs from internal energy in spite of the fact that, within the scope of Classical Thermodynamics, both properties are simply mathematical functions of the state of a system. The ready acceptance of the First Law of Thermodynamics, after its enunciation, was due to the easily understood physical significance of internal energy, whereas the lack of corresponding understanding of entropy caused the acceptance of the Second Law of Thermodynamics to be slow. From the classical viewpoint the Second Law is only valid as a direct result of the fact that, to date, human ingenuity has failed to invent a perpetual motion machine. Thus, within the scope of Classical Thermodynamics, the Second Law is a “law” only because it has not yet been disproved. The physical interpretation of entropy had to await the development of quantum theory and statistical mechanics.