A famous cartoonist spent a lifetime developing a funny theme around collaborative machines. He developed 50,000 cartoons that explored the outrageous craft of Professor Butts—an eccentric scientist whose goal in life was to build a machine with unimaginable complexity for a simple task. His name is Rube Goldberg (1883–1970). His work continues through an extraordinary fan following of contemporary artists, writers, and cartoonists who celebrate his humor through their own creations! Ultimate Coffee Machine.An unconventional Coffee Machine that gets its power from a solar panel thai lit up by an iphone that is hanging from a drone. There is a coffee cup on the table and bag of coffee powderhttps://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781003214335/f728480b-1934-41f3-aed8-ff2896a8f28e/content/fig10_1.tif"/>