This chapter presents the new educational paradigm that we have developed to teach thermodynamics applied to energy systems. This change is based on a shift of knowledge acquired by learners in initial or vocational training. The writing of equations describing the processes undergone by fluids is drastically reduced, as the calculations are made by the simulator.

After having explained how pedagogy with Thermoptim differs from classical teaching, we show that energy systems involve only a small number of functions, which makes it possible to use a graphical environment to model them.

Once calculation problems have been resolved, most of the time spent in a class is devoted to presenting the technologies. More generally, the content of the course is determined using a model called RTM(E), which stands for Reality, Theory, Methods (and Examples).

We then explain how the course can be sequenced in three distinct steps, which are of variable duration, according to the pedagogical contexts.

The main pedagogic innovations brought by Thermoptim are listed, and a short comparison with other information and communication technology (ICT) tools with teaching potential is made.