We recall that originally Einstein developed theory of spontaneous emission and stimulated emission and absorption by using the thermodynamical approach. At that time the real quantum theory did not exist. The rigorous quantum theory of laser is very complicated. Even in physics, one typically appeals to so-called quasi-classical approach: atoms are quantum and the electromagnetic field is classical (see, e.g., Haken [111]). Since our social lasing theory is oriented to researchers working in social and political science, psychology, and decision making, it is natural to escape appealing to rigorous quantum theory of lasing as long as possible. In this chapter, we plan to mimic Einstein’s thermodynamical studies by considering s-atoms and information fields. So, we do not assume the validity of quantum theory. We just emphasize some of its components which would play a crucial role in the thermodynamical derivation of the balance equation for a gain medium composed of s-atoms interacting with an information field.