PatentIn is a computer program designed to expedite the preparation of U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) patent applications containing nucleic acid and polypeptide sequences. PatentIn complies with all format requirements specified in World Intellectual Property Organization standard (WIPO) ST.25 and the related U.S. final rule, “Requirements for Patent Applications Containing Nucleotide Sequence and/or Amino Acid Disclosures.” It runs on Windows® 95/98/NT/2000. Screen displays are in English. Because the sequence listings generated by PatentIn are in compliance with ST.25, this program has worldwide applicability. PatentIn facilitates the creation of sequence listings for inclusion in patent applications sequences. It accepts data about the sequences, validates the data, creates a sequence listing file, and a mechanism for printing out and saving to removable medium for submission. This chapter describes how to use PatentIn. For ease of use, the design follows standard Windows user interface conventions.