This chapter describes six principles for the planning and design of green infrastructure. Six principles inform the planning and design of green infrastructure across different disciplines and scales of professional practice: Multi-functionality, connectivity, habitability, resiliency, identity and return on investment. Multi-Functionality principle builds on the concept of the triple bottom line—the environmental, economic, and community benefits provided by green infrastructure. Connectivity principle means that green infrastructure is most effective in providing services and benefits when it is part of a physically connected system across the landscape. The habitability principle positions green infrastructure as visible space that provides outdoor habitat for people, flora, and fauna. The green infrastructure approach manages and improves the water quality of stormwater while contributing to the economic, environmental, and social sustainability of the city through a greener city landscape. One of green infrastructure's greatest selling points is that it provides multiple benefits. Green infrastructure practices must be fully integrated into day-to-day business processes and work activities.