Design is a process and also the result of that process. A design process includes cognitive as well as hands-on activities. In this chapter, we focus on design areas related to the communication of data, information, and instruction. These design areas use words, images, and form as resources. They deal with the design of messages. The information and message design model includes analysis and synopsis, production of draft, production of script, and production of an original and a master. The design process is influenced by both theoretical design principles and applied design guidelines. There are many design areas, such as graphic design, instruction design (instructional design, instructional message design, and interaction design), information design (communication design, document design, and spatial design), persuasion design (advertising, propaganda, and emotional design), visualisation (data visualisation, information visualisation, and educational visualisation), and design thinking. In recent years, we have witnessed many paradigm and culture shifts: most notably, an ongoing change of focus from teaching to learning, and from designing to participatory (co-)designing.