In addition to the belief that God, the Holy Spirit, or both operate directly in peoples’ lives, Charismatics believe that Satan or other demonic powers are also constantly trying to attack believers. These dark forces may be the cause of anything from illness, conflict, dissension, depression, and runs of bad luck to problems with Web pages and e-mail list groups run by Charismatic communities. The ability to detect this evil influence is the gift of discernment, and once such spiritual blocks are discovered, members will pray for each other to be free from the destructive forces. Belief in powers for good such as angels and saints is widespread in the movement, and some influential books on angels that are popular in a wider Christian context were written by Catholic Charismatics. The Virgin Mary is especially popular now within the Renewal, despite some friction between Charismatic groups and Marian groups at the beginning of the movement, and many Charismatics make pilgrimages to sites of apparitions of Mary, such as Medjugorje, a small village in Bosnia-Herzegovina.