Japanese culture is fundamentally influenced by Confucianism, which originated in China. The authors measured couples' coping, their marital quality, and depressive symptoms, using the Japanese version of the Dyadic Coping Inventory (DCI), checked and approved by the original author, the Japanese version of the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale (RDAS), consisting of fourteen items with a six-point scale, and the Japanese version of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), featuring twenty items and a four-point scale. According to Bodenmann and Shantinath, the educational intervention to enhance couples' coping called the Couples Coping Enhancement Training (CCET), is suitable for those 'starting a new relationship' or those who 'may be experiencing early signs of distress'. Nonetheless, there was no study applying any comprehensive theory such as the systemic transactional model (STM), considering both each partner's coping and the couple's coping as a dyad.