This chapter examines approaches to prevent, detect and deter the serious business risk. It also examines ways in which operators can protect themselves against the internal threat in any form, drawing lessons from approaches taken in other sectors. Spotting Risk Factor Indicators requires detailed vetting checks and, realistically, one can only conduct that level of vetting on a small subset of roles. The chapter examines the Risk Factor Indicators (RFIs) that may exist in the subjective sense related to an individual's motivation. Examination of the documents and the candidate revealed RFIs of a predisposition to fraud/crime, namely a drugs habit and forged references to cover a dismissal for alleged bribery. Telephony, like any business, is also susceptible to a wide range of general business frauds and crimes, including procurement fraud, payroll fraud and false financial reporting. Some of the world's largest and most damaging frauds have resulted from pressure to achieve unrealistic company goals.