The Belgian chapter of the international grassroots group “Hacks/Hackers” was

founded in 2010. As an organization, Hacks/Hackers (Lewis and Usher 2014) promotes

collaborations between journalists and technologists. It is a loosely organized interna-

tional network, with local informal groups-called “chapters”—free to join the organiza-

tion by organizing meet-ups and other locally coordinated activities. The Belgian

chapter first met in November 2010. It was an informal gathering of about 40 people

in a Brussels cafe. The organizer of the meet-up, who was then the social media

manager of the French-speaking public broadcaster, declared the event a success,

attended by “mostly hackers but with a strong representation from national media.” A

short report on the event on the Hacks/Hackers website further announced two out-

comes: a soon-to-be hackathon and the launch of an “open data effort,” namely a

shared list of “URLs of open databases in Belgium and Brussels.”