This presidential address is a rebuff by a Western-educated Indian of the Western-centric criticism directed at Indian culture and the Hindu religion that were dubbed primitive and uncivilized as well as the hypothesis that Europe was the cradle of civilization. It is shown with historical evidence and accurate dating that the Indian and Eastern civilizations predated that of Europe by several centuries and every evidence points to civilization and scientific and mathematical knowledge travelling from India to the West. Sciences like geometry, algebra, and numerical along with a high level of philosophy, are envisaged in the Vedas, Upanishads, and the epics of Mahabharata and the Gita. It is also asserted that democracy was also a gift of India where kings took into account the collective sentiments of everyone before making major decisions. It is also supported that there is enough evidence for a common past of Persia, India, and Germany in pre-Christian times. (Presidential Address delivered on 25th February 1920).