In the recent past, the usage of digital platforms like, online banking, e-shopping and reservations have gained incredible popularity. This is due to the rapid development of information technology through the widespread of internet. However, security became a demanding issue during data dissemination. To overcome this problem, improved cryptographic encryption and decryption algorithms are proposed using plain text. Both encryption and decryption algorithms are implemented using LabVIEW for better security with ease of use. The proposed method makes use of a series of keys known as public, and private keys to encrypt and decrypt the data. The encryption key is employed to offer security to confidential data which thereby denies any unauthorized access. In this model, an efficient design has been proposed to encrypt plain text and decrypt it using RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adelman) algorithm. The basic operations include key generation in RSA key generation module, encryption in encryptor module, and the retrieval of the original text at the output of the decryptor module.