This book will help managers, and indeed any employee, from any sector, across all functions and all organisations, to learn about and identify high-impact climate solutions they can implement with immediate effect into their own organisation. Managers and all other employees hold the key to a better and healthier future for everyone, supporting the transition to a low-carbon society and creating economic, social and environmental benefits. Using open-source materials and guided activities, including Climate Interactive's En-ROADS simulator, Project Drawdown and the Earth Index, which tracks the G20 response to the climate emergency, this introductory chapter provides managers with the key concepts and practical tools they need to start working on high-impact solutions. It contextualises essential terms such as Net Zero targets, Carbon Neutral and the greenhouse gas effect. This chapter draws on the Five Practices model for systemic climate leadership, which helps managers focus and integrate the best possible climate solutions for their particular organisation, linking them to other strategic aims, such as reducing costs or addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This chapter concludes with an overview of the structure and contents of each section of this book.