The psychosocial impact of losing the voice is significant, affecting a person’s professional and social life in a devastating way. Individuals who had their voice box removed (laryngectomy) often fall prey to social isolation and depression. We used interactive and enjoyable voice exercises, in combination with writing exercises and group discourse to help laryngectomy participants communicate, share and discuss their lived challenges and their psychological well-being. Our participants shared valuable insights into how their condition affected their psychosocial life and the challenges faced by negative perceptions in the wider society, primarily based on the lack of understanding or education about laryngectomy. The workshops lead to a narrative of testimonials and poetry that explain the landscape of life after laryngectomy and were integrated into an empowering selection of Jazz improvisations. Through this creative outlet, our participants become the performative protagonists that shape, recite and sing their own shared stories in musical synergy with other artists.