A consequence of the development of state monopoly capitalism is the aggravation of the relative and absolute pauperization of the proletariat. State monopoly capitalism shows itself incapable of ‘renewing’ the national economy or ‘nursing it back to health.’ Productive forces – particularly the working class – are wasted and destroyed. The signs of obsolescence and decline are particularly visible on the face of French capitalism. The growth of the proletariat’s misery accompanies the increase in the capitalists’ wealth. The factions opposed to pauperization and the organized struggle of the working class against capital’s encroachments can only slow down the basic trend; the partial improvements won by force of arms by the proletariat have not reversed this general law of pauperization. Marxism–Leninism never presented the transition to socialism in different countries as having to be carried out in a uniform way. The socialist revolution invariably retains the content of the dictatorship of the proletariat during the transition period.