This case study examined the writing of a Latina girl, Fabiola Guadalupe, as she participated in Somos Escritoras, a creative space for Latina girls (grades 6–8) that invites them to use art and writing as tools of reflection and critique of self and worlds. The inquiry was informed by sociocultural theories of writing and literacy and Black and Chicana Feminist perspectives and theories of writing. I situated Fabiola Guadalupe’s writing within and alongside studies of Black and Brown girls writing within a community of girls and women. Data drew on Fabiola Guadalupe’s art and writing, ethnographic field notes, interview transcripts and dialogue, and emails throughout the entire research process. Fabiola Guadalupe used writing as a tool to write about the good things in her life and to reframe her experiences. This finding points to the ways that writing in a community can open space for expansive views of writing and offers a platform to develop consciousness and voice through writing.