This chapter explores singularity and doubleness in paradoxical formulations, highlighting psyche and body as separate yet entwined manifestations of spirit and matter. At the root of paradox are forms of doubleness, itself a great mystery. Doubleness and oneness have been represented by many paired terms, including split and whole, separate and together, differentiation and merger, sameness and difference, dual and non-dual, distinction-union. Links, variations and interwoven aspects of psychical and physical domains are offered. Just as unconscious emotional attitudes can affect our physical being, so too minute changes in our bodily states inform our moods and feelings. Several areas of interconnected doubleness will be explored. At base, we are interwoven entities with our internal experiential being (psyche) and our material physical body, both part of the same cloth. Although we can speak of each as distinct, neither one can exist fruitfully without the other. We exist as a fundamental twoness-within-one as well as each-within-the-other. To practice a view of self and world with multi-ocular vision challenges our capacity for complexity, yet offers a portal through which life can feed itself and grow richer.