This chapter aims to illustrate the significant impact of corpora and authentic data on the study of movie discourse and its pedagogical applications in spoken language classes. It presents the focal study, which is made up of two subsections: the first, Research question and methodology, illustrates the ideas behind the study, the methodology, and the corpus. The second explores authentic dialogs from Marvel and DC Comics superhero movies as an example of the suitability of corpora for the study of language. Studies on movie discourse can be identified as: authentic movie discourse studies, such as Pavesi, Bonsignori, and, partially, Veirano Pinto; non-authentic movie discourse studies, such as Taylor & Baldry, Veirano Pinto; authentic and non-authentic audiovisual translation studies, such as Pavesi, Gottlieb & Gambier, and Veirano Pinto. In research on movie discourse, the following Biberian Factors are usually considered: informational vs. involved production; narrative vs. non-narrative concerns; explicit vs. situation-dependent reference; overt expression of persuasion; and abstract vs. non-abstract information.