In order to design the virtual laboratory with e-learning real didactic stands for vocational and continuing education the European and the National Qualification Frameworks [8,9], vocational education standards [10,11], standards of the equipment of ateliers and laboratories in schools [12,13], e-learning educational system, the software for the educational process and the selection of educational staff were into consideration. The authors assumed that the didactic stands for the “Mechatronic Technician” profession direct to the achievement of the K3 qualification (see Table 1): The design and the programming of mechatronic devices and systems. The outcome of the education is to acquire the following skills:

• to design the technical documentation for mechatronic devices and systems;

• to design mechatronic devices and systems;


The vocational education model includes tasks related to the acquirement of qualifications in real and laboratory conditions. e-learning is an alternative way of education in order to be “on time” regarding the development of new technologies in industry and the lack of the equipment (innovative didactic resources) in schools and laboratories of universities. The use of IT in education influences the decrease of costs (organisational, investment, modernisation) of the university and the student on the didactic materials [1]. Vocational and continuing e-learning education should be treated as priority as it reduces the unemployment and the poverty [2]. The research on the use of interactive media shows great profits for students of vocational technical and engineering schools through independency in solving the own technical ideas [3]. The role of the use of virtual didactic laboratories is bigger in vocational e-learning. The student in a real time undertakes experiments and laboratory tasks on distance with the use of the real research materials [4,5]. Special software and cameras control the correctness of the tasks undertaken [6]. The course for vocational and continuing education must include the requirements of the labour market on the actual needs of the vocational qualifications and educational standards

• to programme mechatronic devices and systems.