Personal health data sharing is made possible by mobile and wearable technology. It has a tremendous and growing value for healthcare, helping both providers of care and medical research. The enhancement of engagement and collaboration within the healthcare industry depends on the secure and convenient sharing of personal health data. This chapter proposes an innovative user-centric health data sharing solution using a decentralized and permissioned blockchain to protect privacy using a channel formation scheme and enhanced identity management using the membership service. It is supported by the blockchain in response to the potential privacy issues and vulnerabilities existing in current personal health data storage and sharing systems as well as the concept of self-sovereign data ownership. Secure data sharing and collaboration in healthcare analytics are essential components to harness the power of data for informed decision-making and improved patient outcomes while maintaining patient privacy and data security. Achieving this delicate balance requires a combination of technological solutions, legal frameworks, and best practices to ensure that sensitive healthcare data is shared and analyzed in a secure and ethical manner as discussed in this chapter.