Transistors are the building blocks for advanced logic devices such as random-access memory (RAM), memristors, and gates that form the backbone of the modern world of electronics. These devices have played an essential role in modern computing systems that offer better functionality, good performance, and enhanced energy efficiency. Memristors are a recent breakthrough in transistor technology that exhibit the ability to “remember” their resistance states by allowing non-volatile storage and synaptic behavior. These devices are used for developing memory systems, neuromorphic computing, neural networks, and artificial intelligence applications. Gate transistors serve as essential components in digital integrated circuits by enabling signal control. Resistive random-access memory (RRAM) embraces great potential as an alternative to traditional electronic devices that offers numerous potential advantages such as higher storage density, improved stability, and low power consumption. It also can simultaneously perform storage and logical calculations to overcome the limitations of the von Neumann bottleneck. Our work also highlights the significance of exploring advanced materials and novel switching concepts to extend the scaling of digital integrated circuits. However, the work emphasizes the efficient use of RRAM for fast and nonvolatile switching by contributing to the advancement of beyond-CMOS approaches in the field of electronics.