Blockchain technology is an immutable digital ledger of transactions that can be shared across a network of computers to make the process of recording transactions and tracking assets more efficient. This emerging technology drew considerable interest in smart grid and energy sectors. With the expansion of the industrial age, there is a great demand for electricity in the present system. The smart grid concept was offered to efficiently distribute electricity with minimal losses and a high level of supply security. This concept helped to convert energy consumers into producers (such as excess energy produced by solar panels) who can sell excess power back to the grid. This approach, however, adds to the complexity of the existing system, such as how a transaction between producers and consumers is carried out, authorised, and documented. The introduction of blockchain technology in the electricity supply chain guarantees transparent and secure systems. This chapter describes how blockchain can be integrated into smart grid architecture to supply the electricity in a transparent, authenticated, secure and reliable system. The proposed decentralised and distributed solution aims to preserve the supply chain ecosystem in the smart grid.