To interact with smart devices, the internet of things (IoT) is gaining extensive popularity because of the rising demand for wireless connectivity. This necessitates evaluating the improved wireless nets as succeeding generation communication systems, such as 5G and 6G wireless communication. The 5G networks demonstrate great potential to provide many internet of everything (IoE)-based services, but it is not tolerable to meet the ample necessities of the novel smart applications. To overcome this issue, there is a requirement for 6G wireless networks to provision enormous data-driven requests and the rising number of end users. Moreover, it can be said that the integration of IoT with 5G and 6G will make it possible to connect the physical world with the digital world. This integration possesses some advantages such as enabling faster data transfer speed, higher bandwidth, better security and privacy, and so on. Nowadays, IoT is emerging as the most advanced wireless technology in various domains. This chapter consists of details about the internet of things (IoT), its requirement, application area of IoT, input and output devices for IoT, implementation of IoT with Arduino, and integration of IoT with 5G and 6G technologies.