Insights from three cutting-edge technologies—edge computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain—are combined to create the decentralized blockchain-based Internet of Things (B-IoT) for sustainable healthcare, which enables safe, effective, and intelligent data processing in the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. This chapter discusses several issues with typical IoT systems, including latency, scalability, security, and privacy. Instead of transmitting data to a centralized cloud server, B-IoT uses edge computing, which entails processing data at the network edge near where it is generated. As a result, IoT applications can process data more quickly, with less latency and higher dependability. The decentralized, unchangeable ledger created by blockchain is the foundation for B-IoT. Between IoT devices and stakeholders, it guarantees secure and open transactions. The blockchain’s distributed architecture improves data integrity, removes single points of failure, and makes it possible to create tamper-proof and auditable records of interactions with IoT devices.