This chapter is a thorough study that provides answers to what, why, and how certain organizations fail to create the right sets of relevant and meaning content for publishing. Although there are numerous reasons why such failures happen, this chapter focuses primarily on three core factors.

More often than not, every company that faces issues arising from inefficient content finds trouble with the same core factors. First, we talk specifically about the issues associated with the content and how these issues result in failed campaigns to generate new leads for the business in question.

As we progress, we understand the issues associated with content creation process eventually lead to one of two scenarios: (1) no brand awareness or (2) unintended creation of a negative brand image which in turn leads to damaged sales figures.

Towards the end, we focus of the content-associated issues that get in the way of an organization that wants to establish its position as the expert in the market, pertaining to the content management in workforce development.