The major component of the extracellular matrix secreted by the cumulus cells is hyaluronic acid. One such improvement, which represents a major breakthrough in this area, is intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Removal of the surrounding cumulus cells is accomplished by combined enzymatic and mechanical treatment carried out under a stereoscopic dissecting microscope. A pre-incubation period of at least three hours between oocyte retrieval and removal of the cumulus cells to allow immature oocyte to resume meiosis in vitro was recommended by one study. Since oocyte denudation cannot be carried out before some preliminary laboratory preparations that are described next are completed, a pre-incubation period of about 30 minutes is unavoidable. All droplets are then covered with either paraffin or mineral oil, and the dish is placed on the heated area in the hood to warm up before removal of the cumulus cells.