We are living in the tumultuous 21st Century, in the era known as the era of digitalization. Digitalization is a process which is happening at an unprecedented fast pace, and will continue going even faster in the future. This digitalization is possible because providers have the means to deliver it to the consumer, whether it’s entertainment, a product, or services. This process will impact more lives in the future because the internet is moving from web 3.0 toward web 4.0. As innovation becomes increasingly coordinated, the test will be to keep the frameworks protected from incremental assaults against vulnerabilities. Throughout the long term, we have seen an expansion in hacks into banking frameworks, medical services frameworks, and many Internet of Things (IoT) gadgets. These assaults consistently cause billions of dollars in damages and loss of frameworks at inopportune moments. This issue has generated higher awareness in network safety, especially in the discovery of interruptions to frameworks. A connected test with the most current framework is that the need for information relating to security is regularly reconsidered. It is accepted that many of these effects are the aftereffects of any AI calculation applied toward the issue; notwithstanding, an examination that differentiates the sources is yet to be seen. There is limited inquiry into the aftereffects of next level investigation using profound learning calculations to decide if there is an improvement in exactness versus its conventional AI partners. Since the internet is the only medium to deliver different kind of services over a network to billions of people, Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDSs) are the fundamental mechanisms through which the organization framework overseers can distinguish different security penetrations inside an association’s organization. A NIDS screens and investigates the traffic going into or leaving from the gadgets of an association and raises alerts if an interruption is noticed. Data is one of the most important things in this era. Every company needs data; it is the soil to grow their business and increase their revenue. Since data is the most important thing for every business, it is the priority of a company or organization to protect their data from attackers. It is also very important for everyone to protect their data, network, and devices from the intentional attacker who can misuse their data for the attacker’s benefit or for a criminal purpose. Digitalization is the era where digital security is as important as physical security for every individual. Since it is difficult for a human to identify an intrusion in a network manually, therefore in this chapter, we are discussing AI techniques like Deep Learning and Machine Learning, which can mimic human decision. With the help of these technologies, a framework will be designed where a computer’s software is able to identify an intrusion in a network, report that in real time, and make the system more secure than before.