Tucum fiber is originated from the leaf of Astrocaryum chambira Burret, an Amazonian palm tree species. The process, which begins with the removal of the fiber until the production of a handmade yarn known as ¨Linha do Tucum¨, is part of the knowledge of “Vila Ecologica Ceu do Jurua” community located in the municipality of Ipixuna (Amazonas, Brazil). This study aims to reflect on cultural and environmental aspects related to the Tucum fiber, addressing the concepts of Amazonian biodiversity, traditional knowledge and sustainable fashion found in this scenario. It may be concluded that, being a fiber removed from a palm native from Amazon region and, because the processes of extraction, artisan spinning and natural dyeing are part of the knowledge of a community, the Tucum involves aspects of Amazonian biodiversity and traditional knowledge and is regarded as a promising possibility of providing raw materials for sustainable fashion.