One of the significant aspects which should be considered in the case of composites’ endurance, is the role of polymer matrix and it’s changes, the primary role of matrix in composite, tension transforming between fibers, protecting fiber surface against mechanical erosion and making an obstacle against inappropriate environment. Matrix plays a deserving role in transforming incision tension in composite plane too. So, if the polymer matrix changes it’s properties by time, it should be considered in a special way. It’s wholly natural for all of polymers to have a very low change in their chemical (molecular) construction.This change is controlled by environment and especially by temperature and moisture. This gradual change is known as aging. Aging changes in most common thermoset composites is slighter than thermoplastic ones. Affected by physical aging, some polymers may become harder

and more brittle; this problem consequently will affect on determinant properties of composite such as incision behavior of composite. In spite of this, often these effects are not critical; because finally the procedure of essential load transformation occurs through fibers, and aging effect on fibers is pretty negligible.