C. Loch Santa Catarina Federal University, Florianópolis, Brasil

ABSTRACT: The conservation works to the overall project and, principally, to the depth of an intervention in conservation, which involves technical processes, scientific and historical knowledge, manual ability, sensibility, etc, with the objective of prolonging the site’s working life, emphasizing the use of tools like techniques of architectural digital photogrammetry. It is make reference to the importance of saving the images of sites with patrimonial value over these geographic areas, which would constitute an important base of information for planning a consistent conservation of the sites and would best safeguard the patrimony. The considered subject seeks to penetrate the conservation projects of sites with patrimonial value-in various states of deterioration-present in the historical centers of the principal cities of the country, as well as contemplate their surroundings, in order to make an analysis regarding the treatment given to the different activities that compose the conservation of sites.