The book underscores AI's transformative impact on reshaping physical, digital, and biological boundaries, converging with technologies like robotics, IoT, 3D printing, genetic engineering, and quantum computing—termed Web 3.0 Industrial Revolution. This global revolution integrates advanced production techniques beyond connected machines, extending into gene sequencing, nanotechnology, renewable energies, and quantum computing. The book's main goals include providing a collaborative platform for academia and industry researchers to share contributions and shape the future through knowledge exchange. Recognizing recent progress driven by increased computing power, it highlights the positive impact of digital technology—AI, IoT, AR/VR, Additive Manufacturing, CPS, cloud computing, and robotics—on industrial efficiency and quality.

  • Revolutionary AI Fusion: AI revolutionizes by blending physical, digital, and biological boundaries through cutting-edge technologies like robotics, IoT, 3D printing, genetic engineering, and quantum computing.
  • Global Manufacturing Cooperation: AI creates a collaborative landscape where virtual and physical systems flexibly cooperate on a global scale.
  • AI's Diverse Impact: Beyond smart machines, AI drives breakthroughs in gene sequencing, nanotechnology, renewable energies, and quantum computing, distinguishing it from prior industrial revolutions.
  • Progress and Digital Interface: Recent progress, powered by computing advancements, boosts industrial efficiency. The digital technology interface (AI, IoT, AR/VR, 3D Printing, CPS, CC, Robotics) significantly impacts industrial performance.

In conclusion, AI spearheads a transformative revolution, redefining the boundaries of the physical, digital, and biological realms. The fusion of AI with Web 3.0 Industrial Revolution, integrating advanced production techniques and global manufacturing cooperation, surpassing past industrial shifts. The book aims to be a collaborative platform for academia and industry researchers, fostering knowledge exchange to shape the future. In AI-driven manufacturing within Web 3.0, a paradigm shift envisions maximum output with minimal resource use. Coupled with 'Digital Reality,' it transforms business practices, consumer behaviour, and employment dynamics, redistributing wealth toward innovation and technology.

chapter 1|17 pages

A study on artificial intelligence

An analysis of recent research and future predictions

chapter 2|6 pages

Building an inclusive future

Supportive environments for individuals on the autism spectrum

chapter 3|15 pages

Cloud computing and virtualization

A symbiotic revolution in modern IT infrastructure

chapter 5|22 pages

Elevating healthcare services

The integration of cloud with fog computing

chapter 6|10 pages

IoT to IoE

Fundamentals, layered architecture, application areas security principles, challenges, and their remediation

chapter 8|30 pages

Navigating the landscape of AIML

Key findings and insights in the power of learning