The Common Market between France, Western Germany, Italy and the ‘Benelux’ counties was not merely a reshuffle of tariff rates and trade agreements, but a political mile-stone in post-war history. Originally published in 1958, this book surveys the pre-history of the Common Market from the German Zollverein to the abortive customs union with Austria in 1931 and traces its roots amongst the tangled post-war politics of occupied Germany, the Ruhr Authority and the Coal and Steel pool. The book provides a summary of post-war economic developments in Europe and examines the guiding principles of the famous Spaak Report, comparing it with the text of the Rome Treaty. Finally the book deals with the challenge of the new developments to Great Britain.

chapter II|20 pages

The Common Market in German History

chapter III|15 pages

Germany's Economic Re-Assertion

chapter IV|15 pages

Germany's Place in Europe

chapter V|20 pages

The Common Market Plan

chapter VI|15 pages

The Common Market Treaty

chapter VII|21 pages

The Treaty and the Future

chapter VIII|22 pages

Great Britain in Search of Lesser Evils

chapter IX|8 pages

Britain, Germany and Europe

chapter |6 pages
