While there are many times you will want to consult with an outside expert on the best approaches to handle given situations, there are some times where it would not only be most appropriate, but bordering on negligence if you did not. We would like to believe there can never be a time where others could demean you for asking for assistance or assurances of proceeding properly, but both authors have seen where an organization has limited this ability for its in-house experts for a variety of political, economic or emotional reasons. This chapter may appear to address some of the more obvious times where consultation is necessary. However, the ramifications that surround managing these incidents without a full understanding of how convoluted many of these cases become, the ethical considerations for the safety and security of those directly and indirectly involved in an incident and the potential legal accountabilities that are becoming more evident and applied preclude not discussing this topic so any assessor will better understand these important considerations and can share these concerns with everyone else during the “do we really need them” process.